妊娠高血压综合征 (简称 :妊高征 )特别是重度妊高征严重危胁母婴安全与健康 ,迄今仍是孕产妇死亡及围产儿死亡的主要原因之一。多年来血管扩张剂在妊高征治疗中的应用已逐渐被临床医师所接受。我科自 1994年 3月至 1997年 12月使用由酚妥拉明、多巴胺及速尿组成的新利尿合剂治
Pregnancy-induced hypertension (referred to as: PIH), especially severe PIH serious threat to maternal and child safety and health, is still one of the main causes of maternal death and perinatal death. Vasodilators for many years in the treatment of pregnancy-induced hypertension has been gradually accepted by clinicians. Our department from March 1994 to December 1997 using a new diuretic mixture consisting of phentolamine, dopamine and furosemide