Expression of ICAM-1, HLA-DR, and CD80 on peripheral circulating CD_1αDCs induced in vivo by IFN-αin

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fostervfr
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AIM: To explore the effects of interferon-α(IFN-α) application on peripheral circulating CD1αdendritic cells (DCs) in patients with chronic hepatitis B, and the expression of HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 on CD1αDCs in order to explore the mechanism of immune modulation of IFN-α. METHODS: By flow cytometry technique, changes of CD1αDCs were monitored in 22 patients with chronic hepatitis B treated with IFN-αand in 16 such patients not treated with IFN-αwithin three months. Meanwhile, the expression of HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 on CD1αDCs was detected. RESULTS: In the group of IFN-αtreatment, the percentage of CD1αDCs in peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells was increased after three months of therapy. In patients who became negative for HBV-DNA after IFN-αtreatment, the increase of DCs was more prominent, while in control, these changes were not observed. Increased expression of HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 on CD1αDCs was also observed. CONCLUSION: CD1αDCs can be induced by IFN-αin vivo, and the immune related molecules such as HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 are up-regulated to some degree. This might be an important immune related mechanism of IFN-αtreatment for chronic hepatitis B. AIM: To explore the effects of interferon-α (IFN-α) application on peripheral circulating CD1αdendritic cells (DCs) in patients with chronic hepatitis B, and the expression of HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 on CD1αDCs in order to explore the mechanism of immune modulation of IFN-α. METHODS: By flow cytometry technique, changes of CD1α DCCs were monitored in 22 patients with chronic hepatitis B treated with IFN-α and in 16 such patients not treated with IFN- The expression of HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 on CD1α DCCs was detected. RESULTS: In the group of IFN-α treatment, the percentage of CD1α DCCs in peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells was increased after three months of therapy. became negative for HBV-DNA after IFN-α treatment, the increase of DCs was more prominent, while in control, these changes were not observed. Increased expression of HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 on CD1α DCCs were also observed. CONCLUSION: CD1αDCs can be induced by IFN-αin vivo, and the immune related molecules such as HLA-DR, CD80, and ICAM-1 are up-regulated to some degree. This might be an important immune related mechanism of IFN-αtreatment for chronic hepatitis B.
我走了  坐在一只断线的风筝上  在这个暗夜里  你不必担心  在风雨来临前  我会找到黎明  一轮残月的夜  沉闷翻滚着,叫嚣着  我受不了,这枯燥的夜  决定远行  背一只,断线的风筝  打一只,明亮的灯笼  艰难地来到山顶  借点暴风,乘着风筝  我走了,坐着一只断线的风筝  在这个黑夜里  你不必忧心  在风雨降临前  我会带来黎明
十七岁的青春还是那样平淡无奇,每天在学校里都是固定的三点一线,教学楼、食堂、宿舍!而我们比他们还多了一点,从三点一线到四点一线,加上了一个艺术楼。同桌笑着说,你是在“炫耀”吗?我撇了撇嘴道,你好像跟我是一伙的吧!  高二的生活慢慢开始加快了节奏。中午,班主任和平时一样在上面唾沫横飞,讲学考,讲艺考,讲高考,讲人生,讲努力,讲成绩……哕嗦一大堆,接下来就开始脏话连篇!  十七岁的青春,麻木得不成样子
“海外课堂纪律管理”的呈现,是要在各种教育体系间建立一种参照系,有类于梁启超所说的:“凡天下之事,必比较然后见其真,无比较则非唯不知己之所短,并不能知己之所长。” Th
偶有一瞬,不经意间想起,苦涩又喜悦,总会拨动心弦。  曾有一梦,承载太多美好,短暂却绵长,久久不能忘怀。  梅落有声,花谢无语,青春年少,禁不起岁月空待。花是春天的生命,是一种青春,是一种美,可是花又非常短暂。青春的生命形态是生命可以开放到极度灿烂的状态,但同时它又是非常短暂的。存青春的生命中,华丽与伤感是并存的,因为青春本身隐含了关于凋零这种伤感的预言。荣格的心理学说认为,美其实不是一种存在,美
时间恍惚指尖光,新年着新装。  每个新年,都是要许愿的。  愿望大大小小,莊重地写在纸上,慎重地放入信封,像是给未来的自己递出的承诺。从此,它便挂放在我们前进的行囊中,迷茫时翻出看一看,不遂意时读一读,它们便成了光亮,成为路标,沿着走去,就不会茫然,就会有勇气、信心和希望。  除了展望未来,在时间带着我们迈过新年之槛时,我们还总忍不住回望。回望过去的一年里,哪些使得我们的心灵得以饱满,哪些尚需我们