桃小食心虫Carposi-na niponensis Walsin-gham为我国北方苹果、梨、枣、桃等果树的一种主要害虫,每年须用多次农药防治,不但污染环境和果实,还杀伤果园内多种害虫的天敌昆虫,造成螨类等害虫猖獗,为果园开展综合防治造成困难。为此,对桃小食心虫的一种重要天敌,桃小食心虫甲腹茧蜂Chelonus Chi-nensis Zhang(注1)在烟台进行了观察。 桃小食心虫甲腹茧蜂,是我国新发现的一种寄生蜂,在日本、朝鲜等桃小食心虫分布地区,尚
Carposi-na niponensis Walsin-gham is a major pest of fruit trees such as apple, pear, date and peach in northern China. It must be controlled by multiple pesticides every year. It not only pollutes the environment and fruits but also kills various pests in the orchard Natural enemies of insects, causing mites and other pests rampant, orchard to carry out comprehensive prevention and control difficulties. Therefore, Chelonus Chi-nensis Zhang (Note 1), an important natural enemy of peach moth, was observed in Yantai. Peach beetle worm beetle beetle is a parasitic wasp newly discovered in China. In Japan, North Korea and other peach moth distribution areas, yet