山西省闻喜县城关镇东宋村青年农民任俊平,在种植常规粮食作物效益下滑的今天,大胆引进薏米品种,经过两年的试验种植,今年种植面积达0.33公顷(5亩),共收薏米2500余公斤,获纯利2万元。他的成功除他自身的刻苦努力及严格的田间管理外,同时也和他巧妙的种植方法、独特的销售方式分不开。 1.选种 选择短秆、分蘖强、分枝多、结籽密、果壳呈黑褐色,成熟期一致的
Ren Junping, a young farmer from Dongsong Village, Chengguan Town, Wenxi County, Shanxi Province, boldly introduced barley varieties today after planting conventional grain crops. After two years of trial planting, the planting area this year reached 0.33 hectares (5 acres) More than 2,500 barley, net profit 20,000 yuan. His success, apart from his own hard work and strict field management, but also with his clever planting methods, unique sales can not be separated. 1. Select the selection of short stalk, tillering strong, more branches, dense seed, dark brown shell, the same maturity