日本东京外国语大学亚非语言文化研究所桥本万太郎(Hashimoto Mantoro)教授,1987年6月7日因病逝世,终年55岁。作为曾经有交往的同龄人,不时念及他对语言学的贡献。桥本万太郎1932年出生于日本郡马县,1953年毕业于日本东京大学中国语言文学系,其间受河野六郎、仓石武四郎等著名汉学家亲炙,掌握了描写语言学的方法,开始了对汉语方言的研究。1957年获东京大学硕士学位。60
Hashimoto Mantoro, Professor, Institute of Asian, African Languages and Cultures, Tokyo Institute of Foreign Languages, Tokyo, Japan, 55, died of illness on June 7, 1987. As a peer who used to have contacts, I often read his contribution to linguistics. Hashimoto was born in Gunma, Japan in 1932 and graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Tokyo University, Japan in 1953. During this period, he was acclaimed by famous sinologists such as Ryohei Kono and Wakabayashi Rokkasho and mastered the method of describing linguistics and began to study Chinese Study of dialects. 1957 Master’s degree from Tokyo University. 60