随着马刺队离总冠军越来越近,巴特尔重新被国内球迷关注起来,大家的心思一目了然马刺夺冠后,大巴会不会有一枚总冠军戒指。 1前几日,领导说要写一写巴特尔,脑海中拼命闪回大巴代表马刺队比赛的镜头,不多!算一下大概只有12次。与之相对的是总想起他在CBA打球时情景:闵鹿蕾在布置战术时总是大声地对着其他球员比划着,直到全部布置完毕才回过头来对巴特尔说一句:你可以自己选择,你是想进去打还是在外边?当时的大巴在队中的权威相当于马刺队的邓肯吧。
With the Spurs team away from the championship closer and closer, Battle back again by domestic fans, everyone’s mind at a glance after winning the Spurs, the bus will not have a championship ring. A few days ago, the leadership said to write a Battelle, hardback flashback the bus on behalf of the Spurs team shot, not much! Count about only 12 times. The opposite is always remembered when he played in the CBA scene: Min Lulei in the layout of tactics always alluding to the other players gestures, until all the arrangements before they come back to Battle to say: you can choose, you are Want to go fight or outside? At the time of the bus in the team’s authority is equivalent to the Spurs Duncan it.