
来源 :中国安全生产科学技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaka43210
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选用CRH2型动车组l:l模型,对不同时速条件下列车周围流场进行模拟计算,得到列车所受空气动力随车速的变化规律,分析可能存在的安全问题。模拟结果表明:列车侧向力、升力和倾覆力矩均随着时速的增加而增大;列车快速行驶时,两侧处于负压状态,随着时速的增加负压程度也增强,垂直于列车方向压强梯度不断增大,轨道沿线两侧的行人或其它物体被卷入的可能性增加;与单列车模拟结果进行比较分析可以看出:两车交会时中间的压力非常低,列车的倾覆力矩明显增大,车体对内侧轨道的作用力也随之增大,列车运行危险性增加。 The CRH2 EMU l: l model is selected to simulate the flow field around the train under different conditions of speed. The variation of the aerodynamics with the vehicle speed is obtained and the possible safety problems are analyzed. The simulation results show that the train lateral force, lift force and overturning moment both increase with the increase of the speed. When the train runs fast, both sides are in negative pressure state, and the negative pressure increases with the increase of the speed, The pressure gradient increases continuously, and the possibility of pedestrians or other objects on both sides of the track is increased. Compared with the single train simulation results, it can be seen that the pressure in the middle of the two vehicles is very low and the overturning moment of the train is obvious Increase, the body of the inner rail will also increase the role of the force, increasing the risk of train operation.
社区处遇(Community-based Treatment)是相对于机构性处遇(Instinutional Treatment)而言的一种未成年人违法犯罪处遇方式。社区处遇的通俗含义是把违法犯罪未成年人放置于
<正> 患者赵××,男,49岁,干部。住院号49338,1988年8月12日入院。患者以舌面口腔溃疡、全身大量出血点伴四肢浮肿2年就诊。曾经西医医院诊治。肾活检病理报告为:“IgG、IgA
随着河谷的演变,河流的弯曲度会变大,形成凹岸与凸岸。这种地貌主要分布在以流水侧蚀为主的河流中下游地区。  河流是自然地理环境的重要组成部分,近年来高考地理试题对河流的考查次数也不断增多,尤其是河流的凹岸与凸岸,更是高考考查的一个亮点。  【例】阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。  河流在弯曲段存在“凹岸侵蚀,凸岸堆积”的现象。法国罗讷河上的圣贝内泽桥始建于1177年,13世纪和15世纪曾大修和重建,16