十多年来,我国保险事业(不含台湾、港澳地区)发展速度如何?与国外保险市场比较,与左邻右舍对照,我们的发展速度是快了,还是慢了,这是值得探讨的问题。 现代保险业是一个国际性很强的行业,其发展规律和速度有一定的普遍性和可比性。但是一个国家和地区的保险业务具体发展要受其本国政治、经济等多方面因素的制约和内、外环境的影响,其发展速度差别极大。有的国家,在一个时期内,保险事业有较快发展,但在另一时期又可能缓慢下来,停滞不前,甚至滑坡下降,这种例子屡见不鲜。
In the past decade or so, what has been the pace of development of China’s insurance industry (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Maucao regions)? Compared with the overseas insurance market, with the neighbors, our development speed is faster or slower, which is worth exploring problem. The modern insurance industry is a very international industry with a certain degree of universality and comparability in the law of development and speed. However, the specific development of the insurance business in a country or region will be greatly affected by the constraints of its own political and economic factors as well as the internal and external environment. Its development speed varies greatly. In some countries, the rapid development of insurance in a period of time, but in another period may slow down, stagnate, or even decline. Such examples are not uncommon.