乌兰察布市现有农牧民党员 44473名,其中无职党员38037 名,占85.5%。怎样让这些无职党员在基层发挥作用?我市勇于探索,为无职党员设岗定责,让无职党员有岗、有职、有责,从而激发广大党员投身建设社会主义新农村的热情,增强了基层党组织的凝聚力和向心力。
There are 44,473 farmers and herdsmen members in Wulanchabu City, including 38,037 non-party members, accounting for 85.5%. How to make these non-working party members play a role at the grass-roots level? The city has the courage to explore, set a post for non-party members, and let the non-working party members have posts, jobs and responsibilities so as to inspire the enthusiasm of the majority of party members to join in building a new socialist countryside , And strengthened the cohesion and solidarity of grass-roots party organizations.