菩提达摩是“禅宗佛教”的创始人。他虽出生于印度皇族家庭,却自幼出家,笃信佛教,最终把彻悟的种子传到中国和日本。1400年后的今天,达摩精神仍一直激励着后人,并影响着人类文化的发展进程。 由印度孟买电视台拍摄的这部长达两个多小时的电视片《菩提达摩》,正试图循着当年达摩的足迹,展现菩提达摩的身世、生活以及哲学思想。为此,摄制组以制片人兼导演迪尔先生为首的一行6人远涉中国,开始了为期60多天的紧张“长征”——
Bodhidharma is the founder of Zen Buddhism. Although he was born in a royal family in India, he was a boy and believed in Buddhism. He finally transmitted the seeds of enlightenment to China and Japan. Today 1400, the spirit of Bhutan still inspires future generations and affects the development of human culture. The Bodhidam, a television program for more than two hours filmed by Mumbai Television in India, is trying to show Bodhidharma’s life experience, life and philosophical thinking in the footsteps of Bhutan. For this reason, the film crew led by producer and director Mr. Deere’s 6-member line went to China for a period of over 60 days and started the “Long March”