志书有强烈的时代性。社会主义的新县志,必须要有社会主义的时代特点。 县志的时代性是由县志的功能决定的。旧志书是为维护封建统治服务的,而新志书是要为四化建设服务,为两个文明建设服务,这种根本区别,就决定了新志必须有与旧志完全不同的时代特点。新志的时代体现在哪些地方呢?是否可以从以下几个方面来看:
The book has a strong sense of the times. The new socialist county must have the characteristics of the socialist era. The county of the times is determined by the county’s function. The old record is to maintain the feudal ruling service, while the new book is to serve the four modernizations and serve the two civilizations, the fundamental difference between the new blog has determined that there must be completely different from the old times characteristics of the times . Where is the era of the new blog? Whether it can be seen from the following aspects: