【摘 要】
【机 构】
罗汉果为雌雄异株植物,栽培品种均需人工授粉才能结实。当前,区内外罗汉果生产上,普遍存在着雄株不足,花期不遇的问题,新区更为严重,给生产带来严重的损失,成为目前急待解决的问题。 1981年以来,在科委、外贸,供销等部门大力支持下,我们通过新老产区雄株生长情况、
Lo Han Guo as dioecious plants, cultivars need artificial pollination to be strong. At present, there are common problems in the production of Luo Han Guo, such as lack of male plants and inflorescences. The new districts are even more serious, causing serious losses to production and become an urgent problem to be solved. Since 1981, with the strong support of science and technology commissions, foreign trade, supply and marketing departments, we have passed the growth of male plants in old and new producing areas,
A couple years ago,Eguchi-Ooguri-Tachikawa observed that the elliptic genus of type II string theory on K3 surfaces appears to possess a Moonshine for the l
英法海峡隧道是举世瞩目的工程,按计划将于1994年5月建成通车。国外对这项工程的报道很多,这里仅采撷一些花絮。千呼万唤始出来 在大西洋的一片汪洋中,位于大不列颠岛上的英
Injured, bleeding, and quickly
For each simple Lie algebra g consider the corresponding affine vertex algebra V(g) at the critical level.The center of this vertex algebra is a commutative
In the present talk we review the progress of the project of systematic construction of invariant differential operators for non-compact Lie groups on the e
I shall give an interpretation of the gauge anomaly of the two-dimensional multi-phase sigma model in terms of an obstruction to the existence of a topologi
问: 丈夫晚上常失眠,这让我很烦恼。我的一位同学是医生,我向她咨询起丈夫失眠的原因。她直言不讳地问我:“你能掌握你丈夫的性情绪吗?你确定他的失眠跟你们的性生活无关吗?”这让我不知说什么好。自从有了孩子,我确实在夫妻生活方面不太上心,经常拒绝丈夫。请问:失眠与性生活不足有关吗? 答: 睡眠是人正常的生理需求,深沉、甜美的睡眠是每个人所希望拥有的,不过任何人在其漫长的一生中,都难免会遇到失眠的现