Male, 11 months old. Dyspnea admitted to hospital on the 3rd. Admission examination: poor development of children, soft palate, pharynx posterior wall of a dark purple vegetation about 5 × 1.5 × 1.5cm. Touchable quality and tough, smooth surface, no beats, pedicle thinner, attached to the top right nasopharynx. Asked the medical history, full-term children, spontaneous abortion, neonatal asphyxia after delivery, oxygen and other positive rescue improved, nasal feeding in the hospital for 1 week. Suffocation often occurs after going home suffocating, facial cyanosis, rest for a moment to ease. Recently, dyspnea increased, gradually less than 3 months before lying, supine, suffocating, mouth breathing can only prone position, head to the left. Skull base “CT” scan, children with dyspnea can not sleep quietly, the image is not clear. To be diagnosed: nasopharyngeal polyps, with ear. Treatment: vascular forceps hostage of vegetation, removal of the right nasopharyngeal mass with tonsil sheath twist sets, pedicle a little permeability