Taking Children’s Voices in Disaster Risk Reduction a Step Forward

来源 :International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiliuliu
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Disaster risk reduction(DRR) continues to gain momentum globally and locally, but there is a notable void in the DRR literature on the role of children in communitylevel disaster risk management in Zimbabwe. Children are among the most vulnerable groups when disasters occur,yet their voices in disaster risk reduction are rarely heard.Using a qualitative methodology, this article examines the extent to which children are involved in disaster risk reduction in Muzarabani District, Zimbabwe. Despite evidence of the potential positive impact that children can have on DRR, their involvement in risk reduction planning in Zimbabwe is negligible. To achieve greater resilience to disasters requires that children’s voices are heard and recognized as central to improved disaster risk reduction. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) continues to gain momentum globally and locally, but there is not can void in the DRR literature on the role of children in communitylevel disaster risk management in Zimbabwe. Children are among the most vulnerable groups when disasters occur, yet their voices in disaster risk reduction are rarely heard. Using a qualitative methodology, this article examines the extent to which children are involved in disaster risk reduction in Muzarabani District, Zimbabwe. Despite evidence of the potential positive impact that children can have on DRR, their involvement in risk reduction planning in Zimbabwe is negligible. To achieve greater resilience to disasters requires that children’s voices are heard and recognized as central to improved disaster risk reduction.
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