近三年来,塔里木河南岸各农场,小麦条锈病发生为害.1959—1960年是大发年,发生面积占播种面积60%以上,严重率20—45% ,1961年刖发生轻微.受害的小麦,千粒重降低,三年来的变化是25.5、27.0、31.5克.1961年比1959、1960年分别高出23.5%、16.6%,这就可以看出1959、1960年因锈病而减产的程度.锈病对小麦产量、品质的影响,是尽人皆知的.某本防治方法,如选育抗锈品种、消灭自生苗、调整播期等等,也是大家所知道的而且已开始这样做了,但这些办法,局限性很大.生长期中的药剂防洽,则效果差,不能控制其蔓延.
In the past three years, wheat stripe rust was harmed on farms on the south bank of the Tarim River, and the period from 1959 to 1960 witnessed a large area of 60% or more of the sown area with a serious rate of 20-45%, with mild occurrence in 1961. The affected wheat , The grain weight decreased, the changes in three years was 25.5,27.0,31.5 grams .1961 than in 1959, 1960, respectively, higher than 23.5%, 16.6%, which can be seen in 1959, 1960, the extent of the reduction due to rust. The impact of wheat yield and quality is well-known, and some methods of prevention and control, such as the selection of anti-rust varieties, the elimination of self-fertility and sowing dates, are also known to all and have already begun to do so. However, Sexuality.Pharmaceuticals in the growing season, the effect is poor, can not control its spread.