加快建立新华书店技术创新运行的新机制,是抢占技术制高点,增加技术储备,保持发展后劲,应对入世竞争的必然途径。 一、建立技术创新运行机制的必要性 技术创新运行机制缺位,科技成果难以转化为生产力,迫使新华书店尽快建立技术创新运行机制。 1.形势变化的要求
To speed up the establishment of Xinhua Bookstore technological innovation and operation of the new mechanism is to seize the commanding height of technology, increase technology reserves, maintain development potential, to cope with the inevitable way to enter WTO. I. The Necessity of Establishing Operational Mechanism for Technological Innovation The absence of technical innovation operation mechanism makes it difficult for scientific and technological achievements to be transformed into productivity and forcing Xinhua Bookstore to set up a technological innovation operation mechanism as soon as possible. 1. The changing situation requirements