新四军皖南集结 项英一行经过三天两夜的不停奔波,终于来到了皖南屯溪,在六路饭店与陈毅会面。 2月11日,项英接军部电报,说叶挺军长9日从武汉动身赴赣,要他速回。当天下午,项英、陈毅一行乘火车离开屯溪回南昌。12日午后到达南昌,司令部参谋处长赖传珠、政治部组织部长李子芳等人在车站迎候。回到军部,项英顾不得休息吃饭,立即去布置一新的军长办公室会见叶挺。叶挺依然像过去一样,身着便装,整齐清洁,举止优雅潇洒,只是大而有神的眼睛微露倦意,高大结实的身体也有些消瘦。
The New Fourth Army gathered in southern Anhui Province Xiang Ying and his entourage after three days and nights of non-stop rush, and finally came to Southern Anhui Tunxi, Liu Yi Hotel in the meeting with Chen Yi. On February 11, Xiang Yingjian’s military telegram said that Commander Ye Ting went from Wuhan to Jiangxi on the 9th and asked him to speed back. In the afternoon, Xiang Ying and Chen Yi left Tunxi to Nanchang by train. Arrived in Nanchang on the afternoon of the 12th, Command Chief of Staff Lai Chuanzhu and Politburo Minister Li Zifang greet at the station. Back to the military, Xiang Ying refused to rest and eat, and immediately set up a new commander’s office to meet Ye Ting. Ye Ting is still the same as in the past, dressed in casual wear, neat and clean, elegant and carefree manners, but the big eyes of God slightly exposed tired, tall and strong body is also some weight loss.