通过26年棕壤肥料长期定位试验,研究化肥与有机肥长期定位施用对棕壤钾素垂直分布状况的影响,结果表明,从1979年到2004年不论施钾与否各处理0~20 cm土层土壤中各形态钾素含量均高于20~40 cm土层,长期施肥对土壤钾素的垂直移动影响不大。长期不施钾各处理0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层土壤中各形态钾均表现出明显的下降趋势;有机肥的长期施用能维持棕壤速效性钾的平衡,缓解非交换性钾的下降趋势,促进矿物钾的有效化进程。
Through the long-term experiment of brown soil fertilizers for 26 years, the effects of long-term localized application of chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers on the vertical distribution of potassium in brown soil were studied. The results showed that from 0 to 20 cm soil The content of K in each soil layer was higher than that in 20-40 cm soil layer, while the long-term fertilization had little effect on the vertical movement of soil K. Long-term application of organic manure could maintain the balance of available potassium in brown soil and alleviate the non-exchangeable potassium content in soil of 0 ~ 20 cm and 20 ~ 40 cm soil layers. The downward trend to promote the effective process of mineral potassium.