Prediction of Thermal Behavior of Pyrolyzed Wet Biomass by Means of Model with Inner Wood Structure

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhdj600
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A simplified one-dimensional transient model for biomass pyrolysis in a fixed bed cylindrical reactor has been formulated and experiments have been carried out to verify the calculation results regarding temperature distribution. The mathematical model accounts for mass, momentum and heat transfer, including moisture evaporation and convection of pyrolysis gases. Numerical simulation has allowed to predict temperature and heat flux distribution, and the dynamics of feedstock devolatilization. Special attention has been devoted to the analysis of the effect of biomass moisture content on the pyrolysis process. The model of moisture vaporization in biomass bed was proposed, which included structure of surface of biomass particles. Assuming that vaporization occurs on the border of the dry and wet areas of the bed, the flux of water vaporization depends on the specific surface area of the particles and overall heat flux. A simplified one-dimensional transient model for biomass pyrolysis in a fixed bed cylindrical reactor has been carried out to verify the calculation results regarding temperature distribution. The mathematical model accounts for mass, momentum and heat transfer, including moisture evaporation and convection of pyrolysis gases. Numerical simulation has allowed to predict temperature and heat flux distribution, and the dynamics of feedstock devolatilization. Special attention has been devoted to the analysis of the effect of biomass moisture content on the pyrolysis process. The model of moisture vaporization in biomass bed was proposed, which includes structure of surface of biomass particles. which includes structure of surface of biomass particles.
【摘要】在中国古代漆器制作中,对于文字的使用有铭文款识、吉祥语、书法表现和诗文表现等形式。铭文款识集中表现了文物的历史价值,而其他形式的文字书写却表现出了历史价值范围之外的审美认知。仔细分析漆器上文字的艺术表现形式,至今仍然起着辅助识图、增添器物意境等重要作用并且透露出独特价值。  【关键词】漆艺;文字;款识;功用;价值  大漆艺术作为中国传统工艺美术的重要构成部分,至今已经有七千多年的发展历史,
一 rn爱情是个说不清、说不完的永恒话题.rn自古及今,任时间匆匆流逝,任沧海化成桑田,繁华转瞬成了过眼云烟,但唯有爱情亘古不变.《礼记》中说:“饮食男女,人之大欲存焉.”(