
来源 :中国社会组织 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenwu2005
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答:《民办非企业单位登记暂行管理条例》规定,民办非企业单位必须具有与其业务相适应的合法财产。民办非企业单位对于其合法财产享有占有权、使用权和处置权。民办非企业单位取得合法财产,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵占、私分或者挪用民办非企业单位的资产。此外,更广义的财产权包括知识产权。一些民办非企业单位从事具有较高知识含量的服务活动,因此,知识产权是民办非企业单位的重要权利之一。从资产来源来看,民办非企业单位的财产来源主要包括以下几种类型:1.举办者筹集的资金 A: The Provisional Regulations on the Registration of Private Non-enterprise Units stipulates that private non-enterprise units must have legal property that is suitable for their business. Private non-enterprise units have the right of possession, use and disposal of their legal property. Private non-enterprise units to obtain legal property, protected by law, no unit or individual may occupy, divorce or misappropriation of private non-enterprise assets. In addition, broader property rights include intellectual property. Some privately-run non-enterprise units engage in service activities with high knowledge content. Therefore, intellectual property is one of the important rights of private non-enterprise units. From the source of assets, private non-enterprise units of property sources mainly include the following types: 1. Fund raised by the organizers