Connection between the Seen and the Unseen in Howards End

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  Abstract:“The seen” and “the unseen” is repeated again and again in the novel.This paper would interpret these two words from the perspective of materialism and spiritualism.Only when spiritualism is integrated into materialism can English people become complete both physically and mentally.
  Key words:the seen,the unseen,Howards End
  The Wilcoxes is a kind of typical family standing at the peak of middle class in the England.They are men of property and they are audacious,ambitious and also tactful in seeking wealth.They have put business profits as their own focus for a long time.In Forster’s eyes,English people during that time have “well-developed bodies,fairly developed minds,and undeveloped hearts.”(3)The Wilcoxes in the novel were portrayed vividly as mercenary businessmen.
  Henry Wilcox,the most authoritative male kin in the Wilcox’s family,is an absolute materialist.Mr.Wilcox turned his back on the needy and regarded his profits above everything.Henry Wilcox focused all his energies on gold prospecting,material enjoyment and sense of superiority.He pays little attention on developing spiritual life.He is intellectually confused and spiritually hollowed.
  The schlegels is not a kind of typical family of middle class in England.Maybe out of their half German descent,they harbor a rich and independent inner world,and live a substantial life especially for Schlegel sisters.As new females,Margaret and Helen are good at appreciating art and eager to attend public meetings.“Temperance,tolerance,and sexual equality were intelligible cries to them.”(29)They insist their own opinions on social inequality between the rich and the poor,between the male and the female.Both Margaret and Helen are absolute adherents of spiritualism.But the younger sister,Helen is an extreme spiritualist “with a more irresponsible tread”.(31)She ignored the influence businessmen had made upon the society and the convenience industrialization had brought upon human life.She felt too indignant about social inequality and shared too much sympathy with the needy.In the novel,she had one-night stand with Leonard Bast out of pity and guilt.The way she sacrificed her body impetuously in order to console the weak demonstrates her morbid insistence in spiritualism clearly.
  Different from Helen,Margaret is a calm,thoughtful,intellectual and just spiritualist.On the one hand,she highlighted spiritual and cultural life is indispensable for everyone.At the age of thirteen,she concluded that “any human being lies nearer to the unseen than any organization”.(31)When she grown up,she felt “the grotesque impact of the unseen upon the seen”.(87)On the other hand,she also admits the role of work and money.She maintained that it is regular and industrious work that made Henry Wilcox who was short of temper and understanding remains agreeable.she suggested a more reasonable and effective way to help Leonard out of dilemma instead of giving money.Besides,Margaret praised industrial and commercial development for they creating prosperity and convenience upon the whole world and for all human beings.   Unlike Helen,who made the unseen opposite to the seen,Margaret found the complementary relationship between them.She wrote to Helen,“Don’t brood too much on the superiority of the unseen to the seen.It’s true,but to brood on it is medieval.Our business is not to contrast the two,but to reconcile them.”(112)Margaret put that the spiritual life needs material support as a prerequisite while material life needs mental life to supplement emptiness and maintain the prosperity.So,Margaret accepted Henry’s proposal.She desired to connect the seen with the unseen by developing the Wilcoxes’ spiritual life.
  After the marriage,the connection between the seen and the unseen was established legally.But contradictions between materialism and spiritualism still came one after another.Henry and Margaret were always disagreeing with each other especially when Henry faced the menace of losing property.It is worth mentioning that Margaret is really a wise and tactful woman.She knew Henry thoroughly including all his defects and preference.No matter what crisis occurred in their marriage,she could work it out with great tact.She used moderate,roundabout but potent means to enable Henry to be a better man in both body and soul.On the one hand,Margaret assimilated herself into the Wilcoxes and did what Henry wished.Gradually,Henry had steadier affection for his present life and was influenced little by little.Initially,he thought that “man is for war,woman for the recreation of the warrior”,but after marrying Margaret,“he liked to see her reading poetry or something about social questions” he liked it “ if she makes a show of fight”.(282)On the other hand,Margaret remained herself for Henry’s sake as well as her own.When Henry used double-standard to treat the pregnant Helen and cruelly denied her desire of sleeping in the Howards End for only one night.Margaret cried to Henry:“You have had a mistress - I forgave you.My sister has a lover - you drive her from the house.Do you see the connection? Stupid,hypocritical,cruel-oh,contemptible...”(335)In the end of the novel,the Wilcoxes and the Schlegels lives a happy life together in Howards End.A stable and harmonious connection between the seen and the unseen was built successfully.
  E.M.Foster put his ambition of connecting the seen with the unseen on the shoulder of the heroine,Margaret Schlegel.In the novel,Margaret regarded the reconciliation of the materialism and spiritualism as her lifetime goal and she did accomplished this mission excellently through marrying Mr.Wilcox.E.M.Forster hold intense national sense of responsibility and his spirit of self-examination should be passed from generation to generation.
  Works Cited
  [1]Forster,Edward.Notes on the English Characters.London:The Mac Millan Press Ltd,1987.
  [2]Forster,Edward.Howards End.New York:Bantam Dell,1985.
  (作者單位:云南大学 外国语学院)
Abstract:From her maiden masterpiece The Bluest Eye to her latest novel A mercy,Toni Morrison had a very sharp observation of black mother’s dilemma and trauma left by slavery.Among these works,Toni M
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