针对大型复杂桥梁,运用可靠度理论对船撞桥梁倒塌概率进行计算是船撞评估方法发展的必然趋势。基于可靠度理论,将VC++与通用有限元软件ANSYS结合,编制了ANSYS-响应面法船撞桥梁可靠度计算程序。并采用该方法对嘉陵江黄花园大桥的船撞桥梁倒塌概率及可靠度灵敏度指标进行了计算。结果表明:当桥区水位处于174 m常水位时,船撞桥墩的倒塌概率较大;影响桥梁在船撞作用下倒塌概率的主要因素是容重、船舶撞击速度、船舶撞击角度、混凝土抗压强度。
For large and complex bridges, the reliability theory is used to calculate the probability of collapse of a ship collision bridge, which is an inevitable trend of the ship collision assessment method. Based on the theory of reliability, combined with VC ++ and the common finite element software ANSYS, the ANSYS-response surface method bridge reliability calculation program was prepared. The method is used to calculate the probability of collapse and the reliability index of the ship collision bridge in Jialing River Huanghuayuan Bridge. The results show that when the bridge water level is at the normal water level of 174 m, the probability of collapse of the pier is large. The main factors affecting the probability of collapse of the bridge under impact are the bulk density, the impact velocity of the ship, the impact angle of the ship, the compressive strength of concrete .