
来源 :国外地质勘探技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:trjycp
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本书从理论上阐述了利用高阶导数解决勘探地球物理实际问题(如区分局部异常,调查隆起,研究盐丘顶部,确定基底深度等)的依据,对计算高阶导数公式给出了对比结论,并就公式的最佳应用条件提出了建议。本书内容有,高阶导数的应用和公式的优点的评价;有限差分公式;最小二乘法近 This book elaborates on the basis of using high-order derivatives to solve practical problems of exploration geophysics (such as distinguishing local anomalies, surveying uplift, studying the top of salt dome, determining depth of basement, etc.) , And put forward the suggestion on the best application condition of the formula. The contents of this book, the application of high-order derivatives and evaluation of the merits of the formula; finite difference formula; least square method
In regard to the knowledge of the constitutions of coal we are still inthe Dark Ages. To the man in the street, coal is merely a dirty mass ofcombustible matte
The Cambrian of China is developed in Yunnan, Shantung, Chihliand Manchuria. The first collection of Cambrian fossils was made by VonRichthofen and described b
EINLEITUNG Das Alter des Wutung Quartzites in Ost-China wurde früher vonv.Richthofen als dem Devon angeh(o|¨)rig betrachten.Yih,Liu,und Chaohielten es aber f
Lower Cambrian rocks have long been known in E Yunnan,As earlyas 1912,J.Deprat discovered Lower Cambrian strata in Chengkiang~1,Iliang~2and several other local
组织部门作为党委管干部的重要职能部门,要在践行“三严三实”要求上作表率,把“严”和“实”贯穿到干部管理监督的全过程、各方面。  要有序推进和充分发挥群众监督和舆论监督作用,让权力在阳光下运行,促使领导干部依法用权、秉公用权、清白用权。  在全面推进依法治国的大背景下,干部管理监督也要善于运用法治思维、法治方式,用制度管权管事管人,向制度机制要长效。  习近平总书记强调指出,党员干部特别是各级领导干