
来源 :山西财经学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tting0226
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自1989年下半年以来,全省供销社经营形势一直不见好转。相当一部分企业,历史包袱沉重,经营滑坡,日子难过。面对现实,山西省万荣县供销社从1989年4月份开始,凭着一股“热劲”,本着一股“实劲”,靠着一股“硬劲”,战疲软,渡难关,基本上刹住了全系统经济滑坡的局面。1989年全县纯购进比上年增长18.2%,销售完成比上年增长28.4%,绝对额增加1380万元,实现毛利比上年增长27.1%,但因利息增加,仅实现利润7.3万元。1990年上半年经营形势也好于往年,截止6月底,纯购进完成比上年同期增长14.8%,纯销售完成比上年同期增长19.7%,总销售完成比上年同期增长35.4%,实现利润3.66万元。万荣县供销社是如何在被动中争取主动,在困境中求生存求发展,最终走出逆境的呢? Since the second half of 1989, the operating situation of the supply and marketing cooperatives in the province has not seen any improvement. A considerable part of the company has a heavy burden of history and a difficult business. In the face of reality, the supply and marketing cooperatives in Wanrong County, Shanxi Province, started in April 1989, relying on a “hot energy” and relying on a “strength” to fight hard and cross the border. It basically stopped the system-wide economic downturn. In 1989, the county’s net purchases increased by 18.2% over the previous year, sales increased by 28.4% over the previous year, and the absolute amount increased by 13.8 million yuan, achieving a gross profit increase of 27.1% over the previous year. However, due to the increase of interest, only a profit of 73,000 yuan was realized. . In the first half of 1990, the business situation was also better than in previous years. By the end of June, pure purchases increased by 14.8% over the same period of the previous year, net sales increased by 19.7% from the same period of last year, and total sales completed increased by 35.4% over the same period of the previous year. The profit is 36,600 yuan. How does the Wanrong County Supply and Marketing Cooperative strive for initiative in the passive, seek survival and development in distress, and eventually emerge from adversity?
这是为什么?原来店主研究了消费青的心理。“首创”来炫耀商品,久而久之,人们对此感到怀疑。于被人理解和接受。 Why is this? The original shop owner studied the psych
4日经贸部部长郑拓彬在北京会见并宴请由内务体育部长乌马尔·托希尔率领的马尔代夫政府代表团。代表团此行主要是就两国经济合作问题交换意见并参观中国的体育设施。 13日
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