看完美国电影《蝴蝶梦》,我对这个片名百思不得其解。片中既未有人作过梦,也没出现过蝴蝶,为什么取名《蝴蝶梦》呢?我想了半天,想到也许是源于“庄周梦蝴蝶”这个典故吧?但又觉得对不上号;因为它们之间并没有什么内在联系. 这部影片的名字原文直译叫《丽贝卡》,是取片中从未露面的已死女主人的名字为名的,也就是据以改编的原小说的书名。《丽贝卡》这个名字不是很好吗?干吗偏要给取这么个晦涩难懂的怪片名呢?据说,这是解放前用的片名。可今天公
After watching the movie “Butterfly Dream”, I was puzzling about this title. No one has ever made a dream, nor had a butterfly, why named “butterfly dream”? I think for a long time, may come from the thought of “Chuang Zhou Meng Butterfly” this allusion, but do not think it is not on the number; Because there is no intrinsic link between them.The original name of the film is literally translated as “Rebecca”, which is named after the dead host who never appeared in the film, that is, Title of the book Is it not good to say Rebecca? Why is it so obscure? Today can be public