The process consists of ore crushing, acidification - NGH, triamide extraction, product precipitation and tailings disposal and other components, of which concentrated acid maturation, high iron leaching, the three fatty amine extraction is the process Of the basic process, all of the process effluent closed loop use is the characteristics of the process, and product precipitation process can be selected according to the specific product type. This process eliminates the need for grinding and solid-liquid separation over current routine processes, simplifying the processes of extraction and tailings disposal. The basic features of the process are leaching of coarse-grained ores, closed-loop recycling of process effluents and tailings for direct mining backfill. The bench test, the expansion (semi-industrial) test and the industrial test all showed that all the process effluent was circulated closed-circuit and had no adverse effect on the basic indicators such as process operation, leaching rate, reacquisition rate, precipitation rate and product quality. Confirmed that the process of laboratory research of various technical indicators can be used as the basis for industrial design.