马铃薯环腐病〔Corynebactorium mi-chiganens PV.sepedonicum(Spiek&Kotth.)Dye〕是马铃薯上一种危险的细菌性病害,各国都把它列为重要植物检疫对象,要求种薯带病许可量为零。 早期采用的马铃薯环腐病种薯检验方法,主要为症状观察、革兰氏染色和病原细
Potato ring rot (Corynebactorium mi-chiganens PV.sepedonicum (Spiek & Kotth.) Dye] is a dangerous bacterial disease in potatoes. All countries have listed it as an important phytosanitary subject and require that the allowable amount of seed sickness be zero. Earlier potato ring rot seed tubers test methods, mainly for symptom observation, Gram stain and pathogen fine