中医药文化是中国古老文明的璀璨瑰宝,将这一瑰宝推向国际市场,并形成巨大影响、巨大效益者,当首推新加坡达远国际有限公司,该公司董事经理便是林兴发先生。 林先生祖籍福建泉州,半个多世纪以前,其祖父携全家到了新加坡。改革开放初期。林兴发便率先来到中国考察,希望为振兴中华贡献一份海外炎黄子孙的赤子之心。通过几年的观察和选择,他最终看中了中国一个古老而年轻的
Chinese medicine culture is a bright gem of ancient civilization in China. This treasures into the international market, and the tremendous impact, great benefits, when devaluation Singapore far International Limited, the company’s managing director is Mr. Lin Xingfa. Mr. Lin’s ancestral home was in Quanzhou, Fujian Province. More than half a century ago, his grandfather brought his family to Singapore. The beginning of reform and opening up. Lin Hing Fat will first come to China to study, hoping to revitalize China to contribute to a grandson of overseas Chinese. After several years of observation and choice, he finally saw an ancient and young China