1、应用同时水蒸馏-静态顶空液相微萃取-气相色谱质谱测定八角茴香精油的组成伊朗Razi大学化学系学者M.B.Gholivand在“Analytical Letters”杂志2009,42(10),1382~1397页上用英文发表的文章报道作者用水蒸馏-顶空溶剂微萃取(HD-HSME)
Application of Simultaneous Water Distillation - Static Headspace Liquid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Star Anise Essential Oil By MB Gholivand, Department of Chemistry, Razi University, Iran, in Analytical Letters, 2009,42 (10), 1382-1397 Articles published in English on page The authors use water distillation - headspace solvent microextraction (HD-HSME)