Numerical Study of Collision and Penetration Behavior Between Particles and Screen Plate

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsiqin
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For a screening process, the collision and penetration phenomena between particles and screen plate is stan- dard behavior and with collision the mechanical energy of the vibrating screen can be transmitted to the feed. In order to recognize further the collision process and the law of penetrating motion, with the spring-dashpot-slider contact model of the distinct element method (DEM), a mathematical model which can describe the collision process has been estab- lished and a program for simulating the motion of a single particle on the screen plate developed by VC++. NET. To evaluate the handling capacity of the screen that deals with difficult screening material, an instantaneous penetrating coefficient is defined. The moving period of the screen plate is divided into four stages. By analyzing the state of con- tact collision at each stage, it is pointed out that the collision ranging from 3π/2 to 2π period is the most favorable aper- ture for penetration of particles, while the collision ranging from π/2 to π period is the most unfavorable. The numerical simulation result further indicates that increasing the amplitude of the screen plate has a much greater effect on the augmentation of instantaneous penetration coefficient than increasing the vibration frequency. For a screening process, the collision and penetration phenomena between particles and screen plate is stan- dard behavior and with collision the mechanical energy of the vibrating screen can be transmitted to the feed. In order to recognize further the collision process and the law of penetrating motion, with the spring-dashpot-slider contact model of the distinct element method (DEM), a mathematical model which can describe the collision process has been established and a program for simulating the motion of a single particle on the screen plate developed To evaluate the handling capacity of the screen that deals with difficult screening materials, an instantaneous penetrating coefficient is defined. The moving period of the screen plate is divided into four stages. By analyzing the state of con- tact collision at each stage, it is pointed out that the collision ranging from 3π / 2 to 2π period is the most favorable aperit for penetration of particles, while the co llision ranging from π / 2 to π period is the most unfavorable. The numerical simulation result further that that increasing the amplitude of the screen plate has a much greater effect on the augmentation of instantaneous penetration coefficient than increasing the vibration frequency.
夏天的小女生    上学之前  偷偷用了一点  妈妈的唇膏  前前后后照镜  怀着全新的心情去学校  既怕别人发现自己的异常  又担心无人察觉  突然  同桌的一声怪叫  让所有人都注意到了  她今天的特别  赶紧羞红着脸低头  却又不自觉地  弯了眼角……  放学以后  和着冰棍融化的流淌  一步一步跳着回家  享受着夏日的热情  凉丝丝的甜味  因面前的景象而暂停  一个脏兮兮的小孩  在路边
自班主任改选班干部后(没有我),班干部开始时还管同学们,可后来,他们就不管了,还主动带头说话。一天一天过去了,班上的纪律一天不如一天,我曾经几次在课堂上指责他们,可都没用。  一年的时间过去了,我实在看不下去了,直到有一天中午,我去找了老师。  那天上午最后一节课,电是班会课。我告发了许多同学,老师把其中的一位同学的棋子和棋盘都没收了。本来我告发那些同学是为了证明班干部说谎,结果却成了这样。那位同
不知道为什么,一向只知道读书的我,竟对班上的一位美丽女生,有了一种奇怪的感觉,觉得她十分漂亮,只想看见她。我慌了,难道这就是“爱上”的感觉吗?我觉得新奇,真想体验一下那种经历,但是心里又觉得很不安。  我把想法告诉了表哥,他的回答令我郁闷。他说,你才点点大,懂得什么?  一天,我在上网,她的QQ也在线上。我想,在虚拟世界,总要好说一些,就决定试试向她表白。我便问她:What’s the love?
你是我的第四任语文老师,初次看到你时,心里暗暗吃惊你的年纪,比我大不了多少。年纪轻轻的你,能够教好我所热爱的语文吗?不免有所怀疑。  第一次上你的课,对你,我并没有在意,只是依稀记得你的自我介绍,以及你所写的粉笔字,很普通。  后来,我成了你四个科代表中的一个,而且只是个“挂牌”的。你从来没交给我什么任务,或许因为如此,当你让我办语文黑板报时,我不屑一顾,很快忘记了这件事。于是,一周过去了,一个月
读罢优秀共产党员、北京市副市长李润五的事迹,在我的案头上记录了这样一组数据: 李润五同志当区长骑着自行车跑遍了东城区的54条大街,778条胡同,察看了1500多个公共厕所。