由于近年来在准噶尔盆地东、北缘之红砾山组、红砂泉组中发现了晚白垩世脊椎动物和轮藻化石,改变了过去从为该区上白垩统缺失的看法。经研究,准噶尔盆地东、北缘上白垩统的轮藻化石有19属30种。为 Aclistochara mundula peck,Raskyaechara erlianensis Liu-Sphaerochara jacobii karcz.et Ziemb., Mesochara luculenta Karcz.et Ziemb.的化石组合。此轮藻类与蒙古阿尔泰戈壁纳莫格特盆地上白垩统纳莫格特组的轮藻类相似,其地质时代为晚白垩世早—中期。
Late Cretaceous vertebrates and Chaetoceros fossils have been found in the Honglizhan Formation and Hongshaquan Formation in the eastern and northern margins of the Junggar Basin in recent years, altering the past views on the Cretaceous absence in the area. After research, there are 19 genera and 30 species of Chalcanthaline in the Upper Cretaceous in the eastern and northern margin of the Junggar Basin. Is a fossil assemblage of Aclistochara mundula peck, Raskyaechara erlianensis Liu-Sphaerochara jacobii karcz. Et Ziemb., Mesochara luculenta Karcz. Et Ziemb. This round of algae is similar to the chalcops from the Upper Cretaceous Namuchet Formation in the Altai Gobi-Namogut Basin, Mongolia, with a geologic epoch dating from early Cretaceous to mid-late Cretaceous.