写下这个题目,是我继今年第1期“为历史喝彩,为未来壮行”一文后,第2次和大家共同谈论《机械工人》创刊50周年这个话题。 伴随着我国机械工业的发展壮大,《机械工人》杂志走过了50个春秋。50年来,《机械工人》沐浴着各级领导及各界朋友爱的阳光雨露,历经风风雨雨,走过漫漫长路,播撒希望的种子,留下一路绿荫和沉甸甸的收获。耕耘五十载,培育几代人,这是《机械工人》所有读者、作者、编者及各界朋友共同的骄傲,是几代人辛勤耕耘、共同苗斗、真诚合作、无私奉献的真实写照。
Writing this topic is the second time I talked about the 50th anniversary of the founding of a “mechanic worker” after the first issue of this year, “Celebrating History and Striving for the Future.” With the development and growth of China’s machinery industry, “Machinist” magazine has gone through 50 years. Over the past 50 years, “mechanic workers” have bathed in the sunshine and dew of love loving leaders and friends from all walks of life. After years of ups and downs, they have walked long and sowing the seeds of hope and left all the way to the greenery and heavy harvests. It is the common pride of all readers, authors, editors and friends from all walks of life who are working hard for several decades and cultivate generations. They are the true portraits of generations of hardworking, common struggle, sincere cooperation and selfless dedication.