Free SiO2 refers to quartz and its polymorphs, such as coesite and quartz. Quartz is widely distributed in a variety of rocks in the crust, coesite and quartz only exist in the ultra-high pressure rocks and craters. Since quartz and olivine of unsaturated SiO 2 can not coexist, no primary quartz exists in the mantle peridotites and ultramafic rocks. Recently, I found free SiO 2 and coesite phases in podiform chromite of the mantle rock (hibergest) of the Luobusa ophiolite in Tibet. According to the experimental data of high temperature and high pressure phase equilibrium, silicate minerals such as olivine and pyroxene can be decomposed into simple oxides under the conditions of deep mantle pressure such as FeO (iron ore), MgO (periclase) and SiO 2 Sri Lanka quartz) and so on. Therefore, it is speculated that the free SiO_2 in the mantle rock of the ophiolite in Tibet may be the minerals from the lower mantle, which are transported by the mantle plume to the upper part of the upper mantle.