在我们这里,每年的8月至10月初是夜钓草鱼的黄金季节。白天垂钓,烈日当空,酷暑难当,钓者常常汗流浃背。而夜钓则是另一番情景:沐着习习凉风,数着点点萤火,从容挥洒钓竿,在万籁俱寂中静听铃声,等着心跳的那一刻来临,这确是人生一大乐事。 一、钓饵配制:取玉米面、白面,其比例为6∶4,玉米面先用文火炒香,然后和白面搅拌均匀,用优质糯米酒(连酒糟一起,注意不能用煮熟过的米酒)反复揉合成团,装入干净的塑料袋内,封口发酵一夜。第二天打开塑料袋,饵料便会散发出一种特殊的香、
From here, August to early October each year is the golden season for cichlids. Fishing during the day, the sun is empty, the heat summer, anglers often sweat. The night fishing is another scene: Mu cool breezing practice, counting a little firefly, calm and sway fishing rod, listen to ringing in the all-natural silence, waiting for the moment of heartbeat, it is indeed a great pleasure in life . First, the bait preparation: take cornmeal, flour, the ratio of 6: 4, corn flour first simmer saute, and then stir with white flour, with high-quality glutinous rice wine (with lees together, be careful not to use cooked rice wine) repeatedly rub The dough is packed in a clean plastic bag, sealed and fermented overnight. The next day open the plastic bag, food will emit a special incense,