特级教师刘景昆同志从事化学教学四十多年,他忠于党的教育事业、有渊博的化学知识和丰富的教学经验,为中学化学教学做出有益的工作。下面简单地介绍他的教学经验: 刘景昆老师用自己热爱教育事业的感情、热爱科学的感情时时刻亥通过每一堂化学课潜移默化的感染着学生。他常常说:“要想使学生热爱科学,只有用自己的爱才能教育学生”。他经常了解学生的情况,并以对学生的“爱”、“尊重”、“信任”和“关心”来解决学生中学习上的不同问题。对待学生从不采取讽刺的态度,而是采取改变自己的教学方法和帮助学生改变学习方法的手段使学生掌握知识。
Comrade Liu Jingkun, a special grade teacher, has been teaching chemistry for more than 40 years. He is loyal to the party’s education, has profound chemistry knowledge and rich teaching experience, and has done useful work for chemistry teaching in middle schools. The following is a brief introduction of his teaching experience: When Liu Jingkun used his passion for education and his passion for science, Shi Haihe infects students through every chemistry lesson. He often said: “If you want to make students love science, you must use your love to educate students.” He often understands the situation of students and solves different problems in students’ learning through “love”, “respect”, “trust” and “concern”. Treating students with no sardonic attitude, but taking the means to change their teaching methods and help students change the learning methods to enable students to master knowledge.