
来源 :中山大学法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoPhaiM
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我国矿产资源市场开发过程存在的问题,归根结底需要通过完善矿产资源的产权法律制度来解决。对此,立法者一方面需要清晰界定政府在矿产资源产权结构中的角色,完善矿业权流转市场的服务职能以及培育健全的社会中介机构;另一方面还需要进一步理顺矿产资源产权结构与土地产权结构的关系,丰富矿业权市场流转的方式,调整资源税和矿产资源补偿费的计征方式,完善资源税收入和矿产资源补偿费的分配机制,以及建立矿产资源消耗补贴机制。 The problems existing in the process of mineral resources market development in our country should be solved in the final analysis by improving the legal system of property rights of mineral resources. In this regard, the legislators on the one hand need to clearly define the role of the government in the structure of property rights of mineral resources, improve the service functions of the circulation of mining rights and foster a sound social intermediary agencies; on the other hand, we need to further rationalize the structure of property rights of mineral resources and land The relationship between property rights and structure, ways of enriching the circulation of mining rights market, adjusting the method of calculating resource tax and mineral resource compensation fee, improving the allocation mechanism of resource tax revenue and mineral resource compensation fee, and establishing subsidy mechanism for mineral resource consumption.
很难想像,当年刘京离开北京,与他的母亲、妹妹一起前往陕西农村生活时的沮丧与落寞。  曾经生活过的京城已经成了脑海中一片遥远而不可企及的回忆。因为就在他们母子三人离开北京的同时,他的父亲也同时被下放到江西,与共和国其他众多重要高级干部一起,在一个叫做“五七”干校的特殊学校里劳动去了。  年幼的刘京甚至在想,北京或许从此只能存在于记忆里……  在饱受漠视、冷眼甚至嘲讽的童年岁月里,留在刘京脑海里印象最