失恋,是指恋爱对象否认或中断恋爱关系的行为给当事人带来的巨大挫折。几乎每一个失恋的人都会经历程度不同的痛苦的心理体验。但同样是失恋,有的人能够很快地作出理智的选择,有的人却陷入情感冲动的泥潭而不能自拔。这主要与各人不同的心理承受能力有关。心理承受力小的人,在失恋后往往产生以下一些消极心理: 1.报复心理。即产生加害于对方的意念或行为。其手段往往是不正当的。如有的
Lovelorn, refers to the object of love deny or break the relationship between the love of the parties to the tremendous setbacks. Almost every lovelorn experiences a painful psychological experience of varying degrees. But the same is a romance, some people can make a rational choice quickly, while others are caught in the quagmire of emotional impulses and can not extricate themselves. This is mainly related to different mental capacity of each person. People with low psychological endurance often produce the following negative psychology after falling out of love: 1. Retaliation psychology. That is to produce harm to each other’s ideas or behavior. Its methods are often improper. If any