成都不大不小,绕城有一河,就是杜诗那个“锦江春色来天地,玉垒浮云变古今”中的“锦江”。彭先诚的“闲牧山馆”就在河边的古百花潭对面。有事无事总爱邀三五个朋友在河边闲谈喝茶,或是到百花潭的园子里逛逛。什么时候腊梅开了。什么时候玉兰开了,那个林子里的白头翁最多?知道得一清二楚。成都人的闲散是出了名的。不过彭先诚有点不同,每次回来,总会铺开宣纸涂抹一阵,有时手顺得一两张,有时不顺,一张未得,无妨,放下笔,读书,写字。第二天又去散步、喝茶。这种洒脱,画中自然也带有几分。都市生活得久了,便向往山林,彭先诚也不例外,加之好马画马,故而将画斋名为“闲牧山馆”。山馆中的好画、好茶、好花也常引得二三知己来摆龙门阵(四川话:聊天)。 石青:新近看到一本你的《中国仕女
Chengdu is not small, there is a river around the city, that is, Du Fu that “Jinjiang spring to heaven and earth, Yu Lei clouds change ancient and modern” in the “Jinjiang.” Pang Xian Cheng’s “idle Mak Shan Museum” on the river opposite the Hundred Flowers Lake. Things always love to invite three or five friends chatting in the river drinking tea, or to Baihua Tan’s garden stroll. When Lamei opened. When Magnolia opened, the most Pulsatilla in the woods? Know clearly. Chengdu idle is notorious. However, Peng Xiancheng is a bit different. Every time he comes back, he always spreads the paper for a while. Sometimes one or two of his hands are shunted. Sometimes he does not get along well and does not hesitate. Put down the pen, study and write. The next day they go for a walk and drink tea. This kind of free and easy, the picture naturally with a bit. Urban life for a long time, they aspire to the mountains, Peng Xiancheng is no exception, coupled with a good horse drawn horses, it will draw fast named “Leisure Mak Shan Museum.” Hill Museum of good paintings, good tea, flowers often attracted two or three friends to chat Longmen array (Sichuan dialect: chat). Shi Qing: I recently saw a "Chinese ladies