来源 :湿地科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingshao2009
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The facts showed that the number of unemployment people is increasing and a large part of them live in the low-lying areas to be facing the challenge from impacts of climate change. So adaptive capacity of the poverty level for sustainable livelihood in vulnerable wetlands is related to coping with local climate change. This paper focuses on soil-less agriculture (Hydroponics) as an alternative source of livelihood means for the communities having no lands for cultivation. Approximately half of Bangladesh is covered with wetlands. The prospect of enormous productivity lies in the development of wetland resources. The soil-less agriculture is an indigenous practice in the middle of southwestern part of Bangladesh. The people who lives within the wetland ecosystems uses locally available paddy straws, water hyacinths and various invasively aquatic plants for making the floating mat or organic bed on which crops, vegetables and seedlings are grown. The productivity of this farming system is much higher than that of terrestrials agricultural and the system can support fisheries of open water. The compost generated from organic refuse bed is a kind of enriched nutrient and can act as a soil conditioner. It would be a major source of nutrients in aquaculture as well. The system is capable to ensure more agriculture production by restoring wetlands from aquatic invasive plant. In addition, the technology included of the system is friendly to ecosystem of wetlands. The facts showed that the number of unemployment people is increasing and a large part of them live in the low-lying areas to be facing the challenge from climate of climate change. This paper focuses on soil-less agriculture (Hydroponics) as an alternative source of livelihood means for the communities having no lands for cultivation. Approximately half of Bangladesh is covered with wetlands. The prospect of enormous productivity lies in the development of wetland resources. The soil-less agriculture is an indigenous practice in the middle of southwestern part of Bangladesh. The people who lives within the wetland ecosystems uses locally available paddy straws, water hyacinths and various invasively aquatic plants for making the floating mat or organic bed on the crops, vegetables and seedlings are grown. The productivity of this farming system is much higher than that of terrestrials agricultural and the system can support fisheries of open water. The compost generated from organic refuse bed is a kind of enriched nutrient and can act as a soil conditioner. It would be a major source of nutrients in aquaculture as well. The system is capable to ensure more agriculture production by restoring wetlands from aquatic invasive plants. In addition, the technology included of the system is friendly to ecosystem of wetlands.
公共档案馆脱胎于传统的综合档案馆,强调其公共性并不意味着标新立异地全盘否定档案馆固有的本质属性与基本职能。本文对公共档案馆信息能力建设进行了探讨。 Born out of t
爱因斯坦曾说过“提出一个问题远远比解决一个问题更重要”。也正是因为有了疑问,才出现了那么多的发明,可以说任何一项发明都是从疑问开始的。那么作为一名小学数学老师,我应该时刻关注自己的教学有没有发展学生的质疑能力。  小剑是我班上的一名学困生,在三年级我刚接手这个班的时候,之前的数学老师就告诉我,他是一名数学成绩很差的学生,平时的作业相当恼火,十道题他就会错九道。当时我就在想,他真的有这么糟糕吗?我怀
【摘要】定量荧光录井技术和传统的荧光录井技术对比,前者具有更精准发现和落实显示油气,以及在对于油气层方面具有独特的优势和作用的评价等。本文以此为切入点,对于定量荧光录井技术在油气层划分中的应用进行了有效的探讨,并且对于实际案例中的应用进行了分析和研究,对于定量荧光录井技术在各类油井的勘探和开采中的指导作用开展了研究,从而得出有效的结论。  【关键词】定量荧光录井 油气层划分 油气开发  采用传统而
摘 要:小学中高年級的学生在课外阅读方面普遍存在缺乏阅读兴趣,缺少科学阅读方法指导以及缺少阅读氛围等问题。为了有效拓宽阅读教学的途径,提高学生的阅读能力,保障学生个性健康的发展,促进学生养成良好的文学基础,我们展开相应的策略研究。  关键词:小学中年级;课外阅读;策略  作为语文教学的有机组成部分,课外阅读是素质教育的重要体现,也是有效提高语文教学质量的重要途径。课外阅读不仅丰富了语文课外学习的内