Oil spill equipment is a long-standing common problem in various factories. It not only waste oil, pollute the environment, but also affect the performance of machine tools. If the long-term leakage without treatment, it will cause abnormal wear and tear of the machine, leading to machine failure occurred. Therefore, we must take measures to solve the oil spill problem of the machine tool. 1. Machine tool leakage reasons ① The original design of the lubrication structure of the inappropriate choice, only to consider the lubrication concentration, the lack of oil seal, back to the oil, then oil and other devices. ② poor manufacturing quality, such as box castings have trachoma, cracks, or blind holes on the box was drilled screw and so on. ③ machine tool parts tolerances with improper fit, shaft and sleeve with a large gap or seal is not good. ④ assembly or repair of poor quality, box joints sealing lax or even