LAMAS 21W型激光测量分析仪,与传统的多步骤手工检测方法或简单的块材重量和高度检测方法相比,具有很多优势,检测快速、精确、无需操作员人工记录就能将所有测量数据全面地记录、存储下来。因为检测的混凝土块材试件未被破型,所以同一块试件可在28天后用做强度检测试件。利用制品初始毛密度与材料强度存在一个相对恒定的对应关系,可以在生产线上立刻检查混凝土块材是否满足产品强度指标要求,并对生产工艺参数立即做出调整,以获得最佳的骨料配合比,使其始终保持在产品强度值允许的范围之内。及时准确地了解混凝土块材的初始毛密度,可以降低生产成本、避免浪费。
The LAMAS 21W Laser Measurement Analyzer offers many advantages over traditional multi-step manual inspection methods or simple block weight and height detection methods, allowing fast and accurate inspection without the need for operator manual recording to fully measure all measurements Record, save it. Because the tested concrete blocks were not broken, the same test piece could be used as the strength test piece after 28 days. There is a relatively constant correlation between the initial wool density and the material strength of the product, whether the concrete block can meet the requirements of the product strength index can be checked immediately on the production line, and the production process parameters can be adjusted immediately to obtain the best aggregate coordination Than to keep it within the permissible range of product strength values. Timely and accurate understanding of the initial bulk density of concrete blocks, can reduce production costs and avoid waste.