Facilitating Change: The Role and Function of Private Foundations in Innovation Management

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1. The focus is on private foundations, which are engaged in advancing science, technology, and the humanities. In this context the Volkswagen Foundationis a prominent example for Germany. 2. Accordingly, the paper does not look at the management within firms , but at the systemic level of innovation management. Though innovation has a broadermeaning, including also economic, social, and political aspects. research and higher education are central arenas and factors of change. 3. Contemporary research and higher education are confronted with new challenges, which require new responses and new forms of innovation management: science and technology has become an integral part of the knowledge- based society; the boundaries between basic and applied research are vanishing, problem --oriented research is increasing, as a consequence the demand for inter --and 1. The focus is on private foundations, which are engaged in advancing science, technology, and the humanities. In this context the Volkswagen Foundationis a prominent example for Germany. at the systemic level of innovation management. Though innovation has a broader format, including also economic, social, and political aspects. research and higher education are central arenas and factors of change. 3. Contemporary research and higher education are confronted with new challenges, which require new responses and new forms of innovation management: science and technology has become an integral part of the knowledge-based society; the boundaries between basic and applied research are vanishing, problem - oriented research is increasing, as a consequence the demand for inter --and
·威利斯-奥夫兰多得到美国军方的定购合同 ·第一辆吉普车在世界二战勤务中取得巨大成功 早在1938年,西欧战火爆发之际,美国军方向全国所有汽车生产厂家言明,他们正在寻求