
来源 :中国防痨通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhang0211
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1985年9月中旬,成都市某进修学院在学员中发现一名麻风病人,医务室当即采取预防措施,在未做结素试验情况下,给全院108名师生员工皮下(左上臂三角肌处)注入约0.15ml皮内用液体卡介苗(0.75mg/ml)。半月后,陆续有60余人在注射部位出现硬结、脓肿或溃疡反应。其中一名职工出现的反应较一般严重,经用红霉素才治愈,现报告如下: 徐××女 31岁干部于1985年9月17日皮下注入液体卡介苗0.15ml左右(皮内用0.75mg/ml)。1986年3月,接种部位出现平均直径约2cm的硬结,并逐渐增大。至5月上旬已达6cm,局部皮肤呈暗红色,中央有波动感,除有轻微疼痛外,未发现腋下淋巴结肿大及全身症状。5月中旬病人来我院就诊,自述以前未经任 In mid-September 1985, a leprosy patient was found in a trainee in Chengdu City from an advanced learning institute in Chengdu. Immediate preventive measures were taken in the clinic and 108 teachers and students of the hospital were given subcutaneous (left upper quadrant deltoid At about 0.15 ml intradermally with liquid BCG (0.75 mg / ml). Half a month later, there are more than 60 people in the injection site induration, abscess or ulcer response. One of the workers appeared more serious reaction, the use of erythromycin was cured, are as follows: Xu × × female 31-year-old cadres in September 17, 1985 subcutaneous injection of liquid BCG 0.15ml (intradermal 0.75mg / ml). In 1986 March, the average diameter of the vaccination site about 2cm induration, and gradually increased. To early May has reached 6cm, the local skin was dark red, central fluctuations, except for a slight pain, no underarm lymph nodes and systemic symptoms were found. In mid-May the patient came to our hospital for medical treatment
主要介绍几个在天津地区表现良好的葡萄品种特性,其中包括果实特性、农业生物学特性,并对葡萄无病毒栽培措施上应注意事项进行了讨论。 This paper mainly introduces several
  During the process of matrix vesicle (MV)-mediated initiation of mineralisation,chondrocytes and osteoblasts mineralise the extracellular matrix by promotin
为了提高卡介苗接种质量,减少接种后异常反应及差错事故,各地认真抓紧接种人员的培训,举办了多种类 In order to improve the quality of BCG vaccination and reduce the