The intake of dietary riboflavin, the activity of glutathione reductase (BGRAC) in maternal blood and umbilical cord blood and the content of riboflavin in colostrum were investigated in 90 healthy pregnant women. It was found that the intake of riboflavin in pregnant women and later pregnant women reached only 57.5% of the standard of China’s supply. The ratio of dietary riboflavin thermal energy and riboflavin intake had a significant negative correlation with the BGRAC value of pregnant women. From the results of BGRAC value, there are 27% in the second trimester and 47% in the second trimester pregnant women are deficient or deficient in riboflavin. Cord blood BGRAC values are in the normal range, suggesting that the placenta can actively transport riboflavin, giving priority to ensuring the fetus needs. The average content of colostrum riboflavin 22.9μg / dl.