随着工业生产的日益发展,加强厂矿劳动卫生,预防职业病发生,提高劳动者健康水平,已成为时代赋予我们的职责。实践证明,劳动卫生是一门专业性很强的学科,也是一门政策性、社会性、群众性很强的工作。搞好劳动卫生要有可行的技术措施,还要有科学的管理手段。多年来我们在厂矿劳动卫生管理中认识到,法制管理,目标管理,组织制度管理是加强厂矿劳动卫生管理的法宝。 1.法制管理为保护劳动者健康,建国以来国家颁布了防尘、防毒、预防职业病发生
With the continuous development of industrial production, it has become an obligation entrusted to us by the times to step up labor and hygiene at factories and mines, prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and improve the health of workers. Practice has proved that labor hygiene is a highly specialized subject, but also a policy-oriented, social, mass and strong work. To do a good job labor hygiene feasible technical measures, but also a scientific management tool. Over the years we have realized in labor and health management of factories and mines that legal management, target management and management of organizational system are the magic weapon to strengthen the management of labor and health in factories and mines. 1. Legal Management To protect the health of workers, since the founding of the country enacted a dust-proof, anti-virus, prevention of occupational diseases