随着社会的文明、进步,人们都知道上岗打工凭文凭。然而在海外,猴子“打工”也要靠“文凭”,恐怕就鲜为人知了。 今年1月 21日,我在泰国的博他耶东芭村,就目睹了猴子带着“文凭”摘椰子的生动情景。那一只只健壮老练、驯养有素的猴子,按照主人的吩咐,轻捷地爬到一棵棵椰子树顶,娴熟地操作起采摘工具,胸有成竹地摘下硕大成熟的椰子,接着沿树干下滑到地面,工整地放在指定的地点。功效要比人提高三四倍。它们紧张而有秩序的工作,给人带来无穷的乐趣。
With the social civilization and progress, people all know that job placement with diploma. However, overseas, the monkey “working” also depends on “diploma”, I am afraid little-known. On January 21 this year, I was in Bothaya, East Pattaya, Thailand, and saw the vivid scene of the monkey carrying “Diploma” coconut picking. That only a robust, well-tasting monkey, according to the owner’s orders, quickly climbed a coconut tree top, skilled operation of the picking tools, with ample pine picked off huge mature coconut, and then slipped along the trunk to Ground, neatly placed in the designated location. Three or four times more efficient than people. Their intense and orderly work brings endless fun.