沐浴法律阳光 强化职工维权——本市百万职工认真开展学习法律法规活动

来源 :上海人大月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chuanqi2009444
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为进一步依法维护广大职工的合法权益,促进本市经济建设的健康发展,市人大常委会法工委、市总工会、市法宣办、市司法局和市劳动和社会保障局自今年初联合在全市职工和经营者中开展劳动法、工会法、劳动合同条例(以下简称两法一条例)的学习宣传教育活动。全市80%以上的单位组织学习和宣传, In order to further safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the broad masses of workers and workers in accordance with the law and promote the healthy development of economic construction in this Municipality, the Municipal Legislature of the Municipal People’s Congress, the Municipal Trade Unions, the municipal law propaganda office, the Municipal Judicial Bureau and the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau In the city’s workers and managers to carry out labor law, trade union law, labor contract regulations (hereinafter referred to as two laws and regulations) of the study and publicity and education activities. More than 80% of the city’s units organize study and publicity,