根据“不同鲜食葡萄抗寒特性研究”的项目数据以及实验过程,对吐鲁番地区主栽的各种鲜食葡萄的抗寒特性进行了细致的研究。通过人工低温胁迫的方法,扦插苗根系在不同低温胁迫12 h后,测定低温对不同葡萄品种根系的相对电导率,以及其组织含水量、可溶性糖含量、脯氨酸含量及丙二醛含量等抗寒相关指标的变化,旨在分析比较低温胁迫下根系相关抗寒生理指标的变化规律,进一步了解这些调节物质与抗寒性的关系,从而发掘它们与低温胁迫抗寒相关性,更好地提高葡萄生产质量。
According to the project data and experimental process of “Study on the Cold Resistant Characteristics of Fresh Grape”, the cold resistance characteristics of various fresh grapes mainly planted in Turpan Prefecture were studied in detail. By artificial low temperature stress method, the relative conductivity, the content of water content, soluble sugar content, proline content and malondialdehyde content of root system of different grape varieties were determined after 12 h of cold stress The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes of physiological indices related to cold tolerance under cold stress and to further understand the relationship between these substances and their resistance to cold so as to find out the correlation between their cold tolerance and low temperature stress, Improve grape production quality.