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在朝鲜的上甘岭战役中,中国人民志愿军第三兵团第十五军一战成名,4.5万人中就涌现出黄继光、孙占元、邱少云等各级战斗英雄1.23万多人。河南省焦作新区苏家作乡寨卜昌村就是这只英雄部队的诞生地,1947年8月15日,第十五军的前身——晋冀鲁豫野战军第九纵队(以下简称“九纵”)在寨卜昌村成立。如今,这里有保存较好的九纵司令部旧址等遗存,这也给寨卜昌村留下了一段红色记忆。九纵在这里诞生1947年8月15日,九纵成立暨南征誓师大会在寨卜昌村村头隆重召开。九纵司令员是秦基伟,政委由黄镇担任,黄新友、何正文和谷景生分别担任副司令员、参谋长、政治部主任一职。九纵下辖第二十五、二十六、二十七三个旅,有步兵、骑 During the Battle of Shangganling in North Korea, the 15th Corps of the Third Corps of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Corps made a name for himself. Over 45,000 of the 15,000 soldiers fought over more than 123,000, including Huang Jiguang, Sun Zhanyuan and Qiu Shaoyun. Jiao Buchang Village, Jiaozuo New District, Henan Province, is the birthplace of this heroic unit. On August 15, 1947, the ninth column of the 15th Army - the ninth column of the Shanxi-Hebei-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army (hereinafter referred to as the “nine” Vertical ") was established in Walled Buchang Village. Today, there are still some well preserved sites such as the old site of the Nine-Command, which left a red memory for the village of Zha Buchang. Nine vertical and nineteenth here was born August 15, 1947, the establishment of the nine vertical and Southern pledging assembly in the village of Walled Buchangchang solemnly held. Nine longitudinal commander Qin Jiwei, political commissar from Huangzhen, Huang Xinyou, He Zhengwen and Gu Jingsheng served as deputy commander, chief of staff, director of the post of political department. Nine longitudinal Jurisdiction twenty-fifth, twenty-six, twenty-seven three brigades, with infantry, riding