很多地方喷洒40%乐果方法不当,造成农作物产生药害或杀不死蚜虫。现简要介绍其配制、喷洒方法。 1.瓶装40%乐果乳油在配水前,要反复摇动,使结晶析出乐果重新溶解为止。 2.施药量根据不同作物施药浓度亦不
Improper spraying of 40% dimethoate in many places has resulted in crop injury or death of aphids. Now briefly introduce the preparation, spraying method. 1. bottled 40% dimethoate in water distribution, to be repeatedly shaken so that the crystallization of the omega to dissolve so far. 2. Application rate according to different crop application concentration is not